
saya cuma bisa berharap, berharap, berharap dan berharap
saya memang senang bermimpi
mungkin saya hanya orang yang bisa bermimpi
karena saya terlalu sering mementingkan bermimpi dibanding berbuat
tentu saya kecewa, tetapi sangat sulit untuk merubah sifat
semoga di tahun yang baru ini kita bisa merubah sifat yang buruk
dan mimpi-mimpi itu bisa terkabul dan tercapai
"Happy New Year 2011"


Next year
"Things are gonna change"
Gonna drink less beer
And start all over again
Gonna read more books
Gonna keep up with the news
Gonna learn how to cook
And spend less money on shoes
Gonna pay my bills on time
File my mail away, everyday
Only drink the finest wine
And call my gran every Sunday
Well resolutions
Well baby they come and go
Will I do any of these things?
The answer's probably no
But if there's one thing, I must do
Despite my greatest fears
I'm gonna say to you
How I've felt all of these years
Next year
I'm gonna tell you how I feel
-Jamie Cullum
PS: i just love the songs.


Money Can't Buy Me Love

Jadi, hari ini saya bosan, tak ada kerjaan.
Untung kemarin beli komik The Simpson
And so, what can we learn today is...........
Lisa: "The important thing is we have each other"
yang namanya keluarga kan bukan selalu tentang kekayaan, dan

Marge: "Oh Homie, you know I didn't marry you for your money.
Love and family is what matters"

Uang kan ga bisa digunakan untuk membeli cinta

-The Simpson
PS: gambarnya jelek dan burem di sini, kalo mau liat, klik aja

Once Upon a Dream

kenapa ya kalo di film kayak gini nih.....kok kisah "jatuh cinta" nya cepet banget ya
"cinta memang abstrak"
ga bisa ditebak kapan jadinya
bahkan ketemunya aja bisa di mimpi

Philip: "We've met before"
Aurora: "We have?"
Philip: "But of course! You said so yourself: once upon a dream"

-Sleeping Beauty


Here it Goes Again

gatau kenapa gue suka sama video Ok Go - Here it goes again. Padahal pas awalnya gue liat video ini kesannya "apaanih pake beginian aneh amat" eh tapi pas udh liat full.......jago bangetttt, udah gitu kalo video mereka kayak gini berarti kalo ada yg jatoh pasti harus ngulang lagi kan. Nah makanya gue suka sama videonya. Video Ok Go tuh kreatif kreatif dan enak dilihat, Horeeee suka deh haha

Inspiration: Ok Go


"Let us sleep for in our dreams we enter a world that entierly our own. Let us swim through the deepest ocean or glide over the highest cloud."

-Albus Dumbledore

if you leave me now

If you leave me now, i'll be bored at home
If i left the house, i'm scared of the outside world
So what do you want then?
I just need someone who can understand my feelings

Inspiration: Chicago-If you leave me now